Monday, June 7, 2010

Drew's Dinner Masterpiece

So, tonight I got home from my run and found out the Drew was gonna make dinner for me. The menu? Spaghetti and toast. We've also started adding frozen veggies to the pot so that it all gets covered in sauce and scarffed up with enjoyment.

With that being said, I told Drew that if he added a cup (meaning ONE CUP) of peas, it would be enough for both of us. What Drew did, however, was a bit off-kilter. He added one cp of PASTA to the BAG OF FROZEN PEAS. And it wasn't just a regular bag of peas. It was a really big bag of organic peas from Costco. So it was massive AND expensive. If he had thrown in a regualr size bag of peas, it might have been different, but no, size matters tomy hubby.

I walked in and he had "the look" on his face. You know, the look that says, "I need to tell you what I did but I'm not quite sure how to tell you." So all he says is "I might have added a few too many peas." A FEW, Baby???

An hour after dinner, I'm still laughing about the whole affair and realize that I am laughing because my husband was WONDERFUL enough to make dinner for me. Thanks Baby for a great laugh and a great meal- they both meant a lot to me!!!!!

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