Friday, May 28, 2010

Wife Appreciation Day

Today was the first-monthly Wife Appreciation Day. Drew and I decided that this (along with Husband Appreciation Day) would become a regular occurance in our home. Drew had his Appreciation Day on Tuesday so I did all his chores, made sure he got to pick what I made for dinner, and was at his beck and call. So today was my turn.

I woke up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes with my favorite sugar free syrup. He started my car before work and then invited me to join him for lunch. After lunch I ran an errand for work and got back in my car only to find out that it was COMPLETELY DEAD!!! So I called my sweet husband and he came to my rescue. After 30 minutes of trying to finagle our way around my engine, we left my car, he took me back to work, and he then returned to wait for the tow truck. He got it to the mechanic safely and came back at the end of the day to pick me up. As I approached the car, he got out with a big arrangement of pink roses and white daisies (pictured below) with a card that said "Happy Wife Appreciation Day." He told everyone at work about what he was doing, and all the women wanted him to call their husbands and share his strategies. It was awesome!!!

So, I think this will be a regular monthly holiday celebrated in our household. It's kinda fun to have a day that we make up as we go- it's more personal than Valentine's Day and carries less expectations than an anniversary. you should all try it sometime!!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!! This is such a cute post and what a great idea!! Great job you two!! =) Hope all is well Megan!!
