Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Packed Sunday

With all our summer obligations nearly behind us, we woke up to our first free weekend day in months! We decided that since Keegan had been such an awesome trooper so often this summer (weddings, vacations, holidays, looong car rides, etc.) we would reward him with a day that other little boys would envy- at least a little. So we started the day with his favorite breakfast- waffles with chocolate chips!! It doesn't hurt that his mom and dad love them as well. After breakfast we went to Barnes and Nobel to play with the train table. We had never spent time in the kids section of the store so we had no idea that it was there. Well, apparently everyone else in town knew it was there as there was a little competition for the train toys. But Keegan waited his turn and was a very good sharer- very proud of my little man.

 He of course found his favorite little sweetheart in the pages of the books and went right for Dora! He sat and looked through so many Dora books that we knew we had to take some home. He is so interested in books right now. He often wont let go of his bedtime story so we just put him in his crib as he continues to read the pages. He's pretty cute. I'll definitely be happy if he keeps up the good habit!

 After Barnes and Nobel we went to lunch at the new Qdoba restaurant on our end of time. Since I got introduced to a Mexican place called Costa Vida awhile back, nothing has compared for me, and neither did this place. Always love trying something new, but often times you get burned. Moving on. So off to the park it was. The last time we were at this park, Keegan was not a fan of the swings. Well, as you can see below, this trip was very different. He had the biggest grin on his face and the most contagious little giggle. He was having so much fun and loved the swings and the slide and of course, all the bark to pick up and throw!
We certainly crammed a lot into our day and boy was this little man ready for a nap! I love hanging out with him and will be grateful for some less busy time to do so!

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