Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ice Cream Playdate

Several months ago we had Keegan in swimming lessons at the YMCA. While there, he made a new friend, Harrison. Harrison is one month younger than Keegan and these boys had a great time playing in the pool and making monkey noises as they climbed in and out of the pool. We thought that it would be a lot of fun to have Harrison and his parents, Laurel & Ryan, over to swim at the swimming pool in our neighborhood. But before we knew it, class was over and we had never gotten a phone number to call them :(

While at teh War Horse show here in Boise ahile back, we ran into Laurel. She said they had wanted to get together with us as well, so we quickly exchanged numbers and emails and make plans to get the kids together. Due to everyone's crazy schedule, we just this week were able to get together. Laurel and I and the boys met up at one of our favorite watering holes, Blue Cow (a mix your own ice cream place), and the boys had a blast. They were running around, playing with the cups they pulled out of the dispenser and high fiving the baseball players that were there enjoying their dessert. We will definitely get these two cutie pies together again soon- we had a great time.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just love seeing them making friends at such a young age?! love it! I will tell you the more I see photos of Keegan the more I wish I had a boy!! He is so handsome! :)
