Thursday, July 12, 2012

Father's Day

Ok, ok, I realize that I'm back-pedaling a little by doing Father's Day postings, but this is how bad I've been about getting posts up on my blog. As I might have pointed out previously (or maybe not) I'm using my camera less because I've been using my super, duper new iPhone to take pictures, so I'm not as good about getting them onto my computer. I promise to try and be better :)

Anyways, we spent Father's Day in Idaho Falls with Drew's parents. Previously to getting there, Keegan and I met up with one of my photography friends after we snuck (sp) out of the house for some mama & son picture taking. we got some great shots and Keegan was able to give his Daddy some new pictures for Daddy's new office at the Labor building (labor as in 'Department of', not 'and Delivery'). Here are a few of my favorites for your viewing pleasure.

Happy Father's Day to all the amazing Dads in our lives!!!

Mustache Bash Graduation & Retirement Party

 Last month we celebrated a wonderful occassion- Marla (my amazing Mother in Law) retired from her looooooooong teaching career in Rigby, Idaho. At the same time, Drew's cousin, Ashley, graduated with her teaching degree adn will have her very first classroom this fall. Two wonderful women making their impressions in the lives of our children. Congrats to you both, here are a few pics from the 'Mustache Bash' party we threw for them in celebration...

Ice Cream Playdate

Several months ago we had Keegan in swimming lessons at the YMCA. While there, he made a new friend, Harrison. Harrison is one month younger than Keegan and these boys had a great time playing in the pool and making monkey noises as they climbed in and out of the pool. We thought that it would be a lot of fun to have Harrison and his parents, Laurel & Ryan, over to swim at the swimming pool in our neighborhood. But before we knew it, class was over and we had never gotten a phone number to call them :(

While at teh War Horse show here in Boise ahile back, we ran into Laurel. She said they had wanted to get together with us as well, so we quickly exchanged numbers and emails and make plans to get the kids together. Due to everyone's crazy schedule, we just this week were able to get together. Laurel and I and the boys met up at one of our favorite watering holes, Blue Cow (a mix your own ice cream place), and the boys had a blast. They were running around, playing with the cups they pulled out of the dispenser and high fiving the baseball players that were there enjoying their dessert. We will definitely get these two cutie pies together again soon- we had a great time.

A Girl's Weekend

This past weekend I got together with two of my girlfriends, Kathy & Katie, for a Girl's Weekend celebrating Kathy's birthday. We decided to head down to Salt Lake to get some shopping and some sight seeing in. Needless to say, we got A LOT of shopping in. A LOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTT!!!!! We hit IKEA, Gardner Village, Gateway, Downtown, and South Towne Mall. We had so much fun. I don't think we ate dinner either night until 9pm. We were out late, slept in, sat in the hot tub, ate GREAT food, and simply had a wonderful time. We've already agreed to do it again and in the mean time will have girl's night dinners inbetween trips. A big thank you to our hubbies who all stayed behind to be with the bambinos- we appreciate your supporting our continued friendships and some "us" time. Here is a picture from dinner at Ruth's Diner during our great weekend!

Kathy, Me & Katie