Friday, February 18, 2011

16 Days to Go....

This week has certainly had its ups and downs as we find ourselves ever nearer to our wee one's expected arrival date. Up until now, I had been joking that as long as the carseat had arrived, I didn't care when the baby did. Well, the carseat HAS arrived and on Tuesday night I had to remind myself to exhale, nervous with anticipation that he really COULD (and might) come anytime.

Last night, Thursday, Drew and I installed the carseat before I head off today to my 37/38 week appointment. Last week the doctor told me that I was 2cm dialated and 50% effaced. Now, I do realize that I could sit at those numbers for the next three weeks, but the doctor was optimistic that I might progress more quickly. So, with the carseat base in place, Drew asked me to go into the house and grab the actual carseat so we could make sure it all "clicked" into place. From the time I walked into the house and back out again, I could actually feel our little man "drop" inside me... "Lightening" I think they call it... It was so strange. I almost felt paralized with excitement, fear, anxiousness, fear, elation, fear...It was crazy. When I changed my clothes before bed, I could actually see a physical difference when looking at my stomach in the mirror. The shape had changed and my belly button was in a whole new place (Drew thought that was funny).

Within the next few hours, I felt a huge surge of energy. We made cookies, I did a load of laundry, loaded and unloaded the dishwasher, cleared the table and kitchen table and took out the trash. I don't know if this was actual "Nesting" or me just feeling like I could actually get somthing accomplished. But I also woke up at 3pm feeling compelled to wash baby clothes and write thank you notes. I convinced myself to stay in bed and enjoyed getting a good night's sleep.

I'm just glad I have an appointment today so that I can get some real news about what I felt last night. Will certainly post any new developments as I learn them....

Happy Friday to All!!!!

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