Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Weight Watchers Experience

So, this is my Weight Watchers (WW) keyring. I got its bits and pieces as I've completed my program over the past year. Each piece represents goals that I've met along the way, and I thought I would share a bit of it with you.

The brass colored key ring was my first little prize. If you look at it, it looks like the number 10. This represents the first goal I met, losing 10 percent of my starting weight, which was 21 pounds. Yes, that means, I weighed somewhere between 210 and 219 when I started, but I'm not getting anymore specific than that. I reached my 10% on November 7, so I'm at least down to 192.2.

The little gold hands I got on October 17 for completing 16 weeks in the program. For those of you who knew I did WW in high school, you might remember that I didn't complete 16 weeks hen. I was so embarassed to be participating in a weight loss program that I ended it as quickly as I could. Now, I'm very proud of all the time I've put into this adventure!

The steel looking circle has a "25" imprinted on. This represents the first 25 pounds I lost. I received this on December 19, so then I wasn down to 187.8.

The 5K is pretty self explanatory. I ran my first 5K on May 8th and got my 5K award that next week. It was MY FIRST RACE EVER and I ran it in 35:04, my best time ever. It was an awesome experience.

So, now you know a little more about me and my WW experience. I've thought about sharing this for awhile now, and realized I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of- that I have decided to change my life and sharing my experience is part of my journey. So thank you for allowing me a little personal space- I appreciate allyour support more than you know. I'll let you know when I reach my final goal, which is closer than I can even believe.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Drew's Dinner Masterpiece

So, tonight I got home from my run and found out the Drew was gonna make dinner for me. The menu? Spaghetti and toast. We've also started adding frozen veggies to the pot so that it all gets covered in sauce and scarffed up with enjoyment.

With that being said, I told Drew that if he added a cup (meaning ONE CUP) of peas, it would be enough for both of us. What Drew did, however, was a bit off-kilter. He added one cp of PASTA to the BAG OF FROZEN PEAS. And it wasn't just a regular bag of peas. It was a really big bag of organic peas from Costco. So it was massive AND expensive. If he had thrown in a regualr size bag of peas, it might have been different, but no, size matters tomy hubby.

I walked in and he had "the look" on his face. You know, the look that says, "I need to tell you what I did but I'm not quite sure how to tell you." So all he says is "I might have added a few too many peas." A FEW, Baby???

An hour after dinner, I'm still laughing about the whole affair and realize that I am laughing because my husband was WONDERFUL enough to make dinner for me. Thanks Baby for a great laugh and a great meal- they both meant a lot to me!!!!!