Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Years!!!!

Because we've only been in the new year for a few hours, I don't have too much to report on yet. So instead, allow me to recap some of the highlights from the Case's last year!!

Drew and I bought our first home in May. After a long, drwan-out process we finally signed papers the same day I was offered a job at Marquis Care Center. It was a wonderful day and the house warming party that followed (pictured above) was fantastic. We look forward to many more parties in our new place.

Our family got a little bigger in August with the addition of our first four-legged baby, Kyrie. She was a rescue dog from the Boise pound and we got her right after Drew's 25th birthday. She was his favorite gift. She continues to be our favorite part of coming home each night, as she is always excited to see us.

Our friends Heather and Derrek got married in September in the most beautiful garden spot in Emmett. We were in charge of getting the cakes to the reception and I'm thankful you can't see the spot on my dress where I got a little too close to the cake. Luckily, the delivery went well, as did the wedding. Congrats Mr. & Mrs. Hicks!!!

In October, I traveled to Parker, Colorado to see our friends, the Quigleys. Being with Morgan and Bethany was great, but I know they'll understand when I say my favorite part was being an Auntie for the week with Claire. We had a great time going to the aquarium, the wild-life preserve, and out to eat. Thanks guys for a wonderful visit.

Drew and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary in October with a trip to McCall for the weekend. We had the MOST AMAZING dinner ever and then went off to find a local hot springs. Sitting with my hubby was wonderful and we were so looking forward to going back to the hotel and watching the BSU football game. Unfortunately, I got a bit sick and I ended up sleeping through the whole game.

2009 has been a wonderful year for all of us, and we hope it was for you all as well. We know that many adventures await us and we can't wait to share them with you. So keep coming back to see how 2010 unfolds!!

1 comment:

  1. You have had a great year!! Lots to remember. I hope that 2010 brings you lots of joy and happiness and I can't wait to see what surpirses are in store for you!!! :)
