Saturday, September 5, 2009

My sexy, pink, little (BIG) Cocktail Dress

This dress has been my prized possesion for the last five years. I received it as a gift right before I graduted from CSI. Walking across the stage to receive my degree was the first time this dress was worn. I truly felt girlie and beautiful!!

I was as excited at the chance to wear it to a bachelorette party this last Saturday night. With the Sex in the City theme, I knew my pink dress would be the perfect cocktail attire. I was running a few minutes late to my dinner but felt I could still pul it off because my outfit was ready to go. As I pulled the satiny fabric over my head, felt it slide into place, and zipped it up, I looked in the mirror to realize something was very wrong with the image I was starring at: The dress was TOO BIG!!

Most women would be thrilled to have something too big to wear, grateful that all their efforts at the gym and the dinner table had paid off, but I was beside myself. Not only did I now not have anything to wear, but the one thing I owned that truly made me feel beautiful, I could no longer wear. Please don't mistake my "heartbreak". I am so excited to go buy a new, smaller, cocktail dress, but there was certainly a moment, or two, of sadness; that a relationship was changing. A relationship not just with my wardrobe, but with the wonderful spirit that has been within me all along. I look forward to (kinda) falling out of more clothes as I continue my process, and will gladly pass along my fabricated articles to those who need them- shopping for new treasures will be just as exciting.

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