Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Where is our CAMERA????

So many exciting things are happening in our lives right now and our biggest obstacle is that we don’t have a camera to document it. Somewhere in the hub-fuss of moving and everything, we’ve seriously misplaced it So, you get to read about our lives for now and in the mean time, let us know what cameras you like so that we can take your suggestions and go buy a new one.

We are in love with our new doggy and are getting to know more and more about her everyday. She’s coming out of her shell slowly but has starting wagging her behind, since she doesn’t have a tail, and is very much into licking our faces once they’re within reach. She sleeps in our room on her little bed and hasn’t asked to get up during the night once- she’s a very good girl and lets her mommy and daddy sleep all night long—we’ll see how long it lasts.

Megan got a job offer to start working at Curves for Woman on the weekends, which means she’ll be wrapping up her water aerobics classes at the end of the month. After five years of being in the pool, time to move on and try something new…perhaps tap dance lessons…

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