Friday, May 25, 2012

We're Still Here!!!

Yes, yes, yes.....I realize it's been awhile (ok, a loooooong while) since I've posted to our blog. I find that now that I have a new iPhone, I'm always using my phone to take pictures instead of my camera, which means that I don't have as many photos to upload to my computer. With the help of a few (polite) naggers, I have figured out how to upload photos from my phone so that I can continue to share the lives and times of our little family.

And since we all know that you only come here to see pictures of Keegan, we'll give a quick update on the parentals and then we'll move onto the fun stuff...

Drew has been at the Department of Labor for six weeks now and is loving the work! Mostly, I think he enjoys being back with his old supervisor from DEQ, who went to DOL a few months before Drew and who was the one to get Drew the new job. Drew also likes the fact that two of his buddies work downtown and so they're able to get together for lunch on a fairly regular basis.

I continue to LOVE my Zumba classes and am constantly trying to get more folks to join the fun- if I haven't called you yet, don't worry, I will. I even get to help lead some of the dances andd have helped the instructor teach classes on a public level- once for a Gold's Gym Health Challenge and more recently at the American Heart Association Walk. I love spending time with my Mama friends and try to spend some non-Mama related time with my girlfreinds as well. Drew is so good about me going and getting pedicures and having lunch and Happy Hour with my girlfriends- it's so good for my spirit to spend time with these amazing women! My latest hours find my time dedicated to learning more about my camera and the editing/Photoshop process...Who knows, maybe I'll be calling you soon to offer to take your Christmas card pictures!!

Ok, onto the man of the hour- KEEGAN!!! He's been very busy this last month. He's been in swim lessons at  the YMCA for the past four weeks and has been having a great time. Lessons ended this week and it's perfect because the pool around the corner from us opens this weekend!!

Keegan has also been dealing with allergies for the past month. For what appears to be no rhyme or reason and certainly without pattern or consistency, Keegan breaks out with the most horrible hives that cover his limbs and sometimes creep onto his face. We've had him tested for some foods already- peanuts, treenuts, shellfish, and eggs. All those tests came back negative, so now we're super confuses. We have a meeting with an allergist this coming week and they promise that we'll have answers by the time we leave. Of course my most immediate concerns are that he's 1) allergic to wheat, which would change our entire lifestyle, or 2) that he's allergic to our dog. Drew had cat allergies growing up, therefore they didn't have cats. I worry about what the outcome might be if we make the same discovery :(
We have a very busy summer ahead of us...Bridal showers, weddings, a trip to the beach, girl's weekend in SLC, yard work, BBQs, helping friends move, jam making, Farmer's Markets, day trips, and maybe I'll squeeze in a book or two. Thanks for sticking around- I promise to come back soon, so you should too!!!