Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Very Special Valentine's Day

In an effort to take this holiday's embarassing pictures of Keegan, I decided to try my hand at my first baby photo shoot. I grabbed some props from work, laid out some bed sheets, cut out some construction paper, and charged my camera. I wanted to make the cutest little Cupid ever and I think I did a pretty good job. I emailed some of the finals off to a girlfriend who helped me with the editing by adding the words and the heart shapes. She made them into what I couldn't make them on my own-Perfect!!! And while some folks mention often that these pictures will be nothing but embarassing when Keegan is older, I simply remember how happy he was playing in the blankets and eating the paper hearts. While he might feel embarassed later, he and his mama had a fun morning playing dress up and make believe. He has truly struck my heart with his love potion!!!

This one might be my favorite...

As Keegan's Valentine gift to his daddy, he decided to make a Heart Brownie for tonight's dessert. He asked me to help with the pouring and mixing stages, but he did the rest- including some of the clean up. He sat in his high chair in the kitchen and watched me work my magic with all my fun kitchen gadgets that move and spin and make fun, loud noises. We got the batter mixed and poured into the mold and watched through the window in the stove door as it baked into its gooey goodness. It turned out really well and Keegan and I had a great time- clearly his favorite part was licking the beaters afterwards. Who knows, maybe we have a chef in the making...in him, that is!

Happy Valentine's Day to all!!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Big Kid Bites

Keegan recently decided that he was DONE eating baby food. He has been yelling at us about half way through his blended squash and pureed mixed fruit and refuses to finish it. With him only having two teeth, we've been trying to figure out what to feed him. So little by little, we've been trying new snacks and bites and some of them have been a great success.

So far his favorites include:
~graham crackers!!
~goldfish crackers
~shredded cheese
~mashed potatoes
~and tator tots

Tonight he had mashed potatoes, bananas and some cut up deli turkey. He was in toddler food heaven being able to pick up his little bites of food and feed hinself. We always put him in his high chair next to us at the table and try to give him some bites of whatever we're eating and I think his little mind appreciates being included (at least I like to think so). We're very much enjoying getting to try new things with him and look forward to what he gets to experience next.