Drew and I recently attended a wedding for a friend of mine from CSI. It was at the 4th Street Gardens in Emmett, ID, and it was beautiful. I was a little nervous because the place was so small, but it was truly romantic and intimate. The family-friend who performed their ceremony was very good and I was impressed at how personal he made everything, without making it too cheesey.
My one job for this wedding was to deliver the four (yes, 4!!) wedding cakes to the reception. I've never been so nervous about anything in my life. I was more nervous about this than ANYTHING at my own wedding. Needless to say, the cakes arrived perfectly, all in one piece and with decor in the proer place. It wasn't until I was trying to show off with the last cake and took it out of the cake box to walk across the yard to put it on the cake table. I leaned down to put the cake down but didn't hold the cake any farther away from my chest. When I stood up, There was quite a bit frosting adorning my dress that I wasn't anticipating. Luckily, no one noticed the cake, but I did have a massive dark spot on my dress for the rest of the night.
BTW- this is the Calvin Kline dress I bought at Burlington Coat Factory, originally priced at $128 that I got for $34!! It was my FIRST CK anything, on sale, and it was a smaller than normal size. If that doesn't say buy the dress, I don't know what does!!!